Beatification of three more departed Church fathers of Malankara | ||
Conferring to the wishes of the multitude of faithful, the Malankara Episcopal Synod of today (09 September 2008) requested His Holiness the Patriarch, to beatify Maphryono Mor Baselios Shakralla (Shukr Allah)- Maphryono of the East (AD 1748-'64) - Entombed at the Kandanad church, Mor Qurillos Yuyakim - Reesh Episcopa of Malankara - Entombed on the north side of the Marthoman Church Mulanthuruthy, Mor Koorilos Paulose Kochuparambuil - Malankara Metropolitan, 1911 - '17 - entombed at Panampady St. Mary's Church near Kottayam). | ||
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Maphryono Mor Baselios Shakralla (Shukr Allah) | Tomb of Mor Qurillos Yuyakim - Reesh Episcopa of Malankara | Mor Koorilos Paulose Kochuparambuil - Malankara Metropolitan, 1911 - '17 |
Catholicose His Beatitude Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I, called all faithful to be in prayer and fasting for this beatifications, which will be held at Patriarchal Center Cathedral, Puthencurizu during the apostolic visit to Malankara by the Supreme head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, H.H. Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I Iwas in October 2008.
The Supreme head of the Universal Syrian Church and the Patriarch of the Apostolic see of Antioch & all the East, His Holiness Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, is to visit India in the second week of October 2008 to attend the concluding function of the sacerdotal Golden jubilee celebrations of the regional head of the Church in India, His Beatitude the Catholicos Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I. As per the program schedule finalized by the Malankara Episcopal Synod, His Holiness is expected to reach Cochin International Airport on October 17 and will proceed to the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Church headquarters at Puthencurizu. The Holy father will be accorded the status of State Guest by the honourable Government of Kerala. This will be His Holiness’ fourth apostolic visit to India, the last visit being in 2004.
On Sunday 19th October, the Sacerdotal Golden jubilee function of His Beatitude the Catholicos will be held at Marine Drive grounds in Cochin. His Holiness will Chair the jubilee function. Besides the representatives of the State Government, the heads of the Episcopal Churches in India and the other communities will be invited for the function. A 501-member committee has been chosen by the Malankara Association for making preparations for the grand jubilee function. The Episcopal Synod Secretary and Metropolitan of Kochi diocese, His Grace Mor Gregorios Joseph is the Chairman of the committee.
The Malankara Episcopal Synod and a meeting of the Jacobite Syrian Christian Association will be convened under the president-ship of His Holiness during this apostolic visit. After attending a few more programs in Kerala, His Holiness will proceed to Banglore and will leave for Damascus on October 27th. Hectic preparations has already been started in Malankara to welcome the supreme head of the Universal Syrian Christian community.
Press release from the Patriarchal Center (In Malayalam) Page 01 Press release from the Patriarchal Center (In Malayalam) Page 02 Brief biography of the three Church fathers (In Malayalam)
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