Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Quiet Day On Prayer

We received the following from our friend Sister Sarah who is just down the road from us.

A Quiet Day On Prayer

+ A time apart for quiet prayer & reflection & learning more about intercessory prayer

+ Saturday, October 25, 2008, 10:15 AM to 5:30 PM Eastern

+ Lunch will be provided; please RSVP (574) 269-5556

+ 4 teaching sessions, times of corporate and private prayer, closing Eucharist

+ No charge to attend

+ Whether you feel like your prayers don’t get answered or accomplish much or you are an experienced intercessor, this day will teach you practical Biblical principles to improve your life and that of those you pray for.

@ Divine Compassion House
311 6th Street
Winona Lake, IN

Directions: From US 30 in Warsaw, turn unto Center Street. Immediately get in the left lane. After the hill, turn left (in front of pharmacy) onto Argonne Road. Go about 1 mile. Proceed under rail road overpass to entrance into village of Winona Lake (an irregular intersection with Winona spelled out in shrubbery). Turn LEFT unto King’s Highway. Go six blocks and turn RIGHT on 6th Street. Divine Compassion House is on your right. (The brick house is on the corner of 6th and King’s Highway.)

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