Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pope announces Africa visit

By: Roberto Sanchez Guevara.

Tens of thousands of people gathered on Sunday in St Peter's Square to pray the Sunday Angelus with Pope Benedict XVI, who announced that next March he plans to visit Cameroon, to present the working document for the African Synod, and Angola, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the country’s evangelization.
Pope announces Africa visit

"I am also very happy," said the Pope, making public that in October of next year a Special Assembly of the Synod for Africa will take place in Rome.

“However, before this appointment, and if God so wishes, in March, I intend to travel to Africa,” first visiting Cameroon, where he will deliver to the Bishops of the Continent Instrumentum laboris for the Synod.

Referring to the now closed General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, the Pope stated that the entire convention "is a powerful experience of ecclesial communion, but that this has been even more because the focus of attention was that which illuminates and guides Church: the Word of God which is Christ himself. "

The Holy Father reflected on the relationship the Word of God and Sacred Scripture. The Second Vatican Council document Dei Verbum teaches that good biblical exegesis includes both the historical-critical method and the theological because “Sacred Scripture is the Word of God in human words.” Each text must be read and interpreted remembering the “unity of Scripture, the living tradition of the Church and the light of faith.” Scientific exegesis and lectio divina are both necessary and complementary to understand the spiritual meaning that “God wishes to communicate to us today.”

"One aspect that is reflected on the relationship between word and words, words between the Divine Word and how we express scriptures. Any text must be read and interpreted bearing in mind the unity of the entire Scripture, the living tradition of the Church and the light of faith."

Benedict XVI joined an appeal by the Patriarchs of the Oriental Churches calling the attention of the international community, of religious leaders and of all men and women of good will to the tragedy of Christians in Iraq and India. He said, “There, Christians are victims of intolerance and violence, are killed, threatened and forced to abandon their homes and wander in search of refuge.”

The Pope added that "although the Bible is also a literary text, more importantly, the biggest source of world culture, it is also true that this should not be stripped of the divine element, but should be read in the same spirit with which has been composed. Exegesis and lectio divina are necessary and complementary to explore, through the literal meaning, spiritual meaning that God wants to communicate today."

Finally the Pope, making an appeal to the Patriarchs of the Eastern Churches, said: "I ask those responsible to civil and religious of all countries, conscious of their role as guides and reference by the population, to make gestures and encourage friendship and consideration against the Christian minorities or other religions, which point to honour and to defend their legitimate rights."

source: http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/news/?NewsID=3168

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